At Scandi Standard, sustainable development is about promoting responsible value creation over time for owners, customers, consumers, employees, and other stakeholders. Our aim is to assume an industry-leading role in animal welfare, as well as in environmental and social responsibility.
Our sustainability promise, The Scandi Way, is also our company mission. It is our strategic framework for sustainable development. It is based on our materiality analysis and includes prioritized responsibility and sustainability issues within the categories People, Chickens, Planet, and Products. The framework sets the priorities for the Group’s sustainability work and defines the approach, overarching goals, and key performance indicators for each focus area.

UN Global Compact
Scandi Standard is a signatory to Global Compact, the UN’s responsible business initiative. It is a commitment to actively implement the ten principles of Global Compact relating to human rights, labor rights, the environment, and anti-corruption.
Agenda 2030
Scandi Standard supports Agenda 2030 including the global goals for sustainable development. As a result of our operations, we have an impact on several of the goals and great responsibility and opportunity to help achieve goals and targets.

Organization and management
Sustainability is integrated into our business operations as a part of standard processes and responsibilities, both on the local level and on the group level.
At the Group level, there is a Group Sustainability Director who is responsible for defining strategy and goals as well as coordinating and supporting the organization. The Group Sustainability Director is part of Group Management. On the executive level, there is a Sustainability Steering Committee responsible for monitoring prioritized activities, and for reporting to the Board.
Each focus area has a strategic project manager who works with representatives in the various countries in order to achieve the set goals. Each country has a Country Sustainability Owner who is responsible for local execution based on national circumstances and regulations. Since 2020, sustainability targets and KPIs have been included in ordinary business planning and are part of the bonus-based goals for Group Management and others.
Sustainability policies and Code of Conduct
We have several Group level policies related to sustainability. Scandi Standard’s Code of Conduct constitutes the Group’s general sustainability policy and applies to every manager and employee and all parts of our company, as well as to members of the Board. Scandi Standard’s Supplier Code of Conduct imposes corresponding requirements on the Group’s suppliers.
Key sustainability-related policies are available below:
Code of Conduct
Supplier Code of Conduct
Antibiotics Policy
Animal Welfare Policy
Health and Safety Policy
Clean Label Policy
Environmental Policy
Whistleblowing Policy
Cyber Security Policy
Quality and Food Safety Policy
Biodiversity Statement
Climate Transition Plan
Goals and targets
In 2020, Scandi Standard established an ambition to achieve an industry-leading position in sustainability by 2025. This requires continuous development and acceleration of goals, governance and activities. In 2021, the strategy, processes and objectives in focus areas such as climate impact, the carbon footprint of products, work safety and animal welfare have been further strengthened and a solid foundation and plan for the future have been developed. Descriptions of goals and priorities are provided in the relevant sections of the Sustainability Report.