Chicken, the healthy and popular choice

January 22, 2015

Poultry consumption continues to rise. One reason for these gains is that white meat is healthy to eat.

Scandi Standard is the leading chicken producer in Scandinavia, a market that is enjoying long-term, strong and stable growth. A market where people are increasingly choosing climate smart chicken and other poultry as a source of protein.

The current health trend that recommends healthy white meat rather than red meat also plays a part in this.

“Chicken is a good alternative to red meat,” says nutritionist Åsa Brugård Konde of the Swedish National Food Administration.

Good for both our health and the environment
Chicken is a healthy and climate smart choice. It is a value for money source of protein that the human body needs to produce hormones, build cells and strengthen its immune defence system. A portion of chicken provides around half of our daily requirements of around 50 – 60 grams. And because chicken has a very high protein to calorie ratio, it is especially good for us, as chicken contains all nine amino acids essential to health.

Chicken – the healthy and climate smart choice
Chicken – the healthy and climate smart choice

Chicken contains essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A and D, selenium, magnesium, zinc and iron. Selenium is an important antioxidant for our immune defence system. One portion of chicken contains around one third of our daily requirements. Chicken fat is also mainly unsaturated, which is considered to be better for us than saturated fat.

Chicken is also climate smart. Each kilogram of reared beef produces up to 40 kg of greenhouse gas emissions, while one kilo of chicken generates around one tenth of this.

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