Why chicken?

Joy of food and healthy, conscious choices

Our most important undertaking to consumers is that our products are safe and healthy to eat, and that they are produced locally from chickens that are thriving and treated well. Trends among consumers show us that we are well positioned.

Increased awareness

An increasing number of people are making conscious choices and choosing foods both from a health point of view and with regard to the environment. This is driving the trend from red meat to, in the first instance, chicken and fish, but also to plant-based foods. At the same time, growing consumer awareness is driving the need to introduce more detailed lists of ingredients, as well as a demand for products with fewer ingredients and additives, and less processed foods.

Healthy and affordable protein

Chicken is relatively low in calories and high in protein, and is therefore considered to be healthier for us humans than red meat. Food recommendations from around the world, for example Nordic Nutrition Recommendations, unanimously indicate that people should adapt their diet to contain more white meat and less red meat.

The relatively short rearing period of chicken also entails lower feed and energy usage than for other types of animal protein, which in turn results in lower production costs and lower prices for end consumers, as well as reduced climate impact.

We are continuously developing our products and product range, with an emphasis on nutrition and issues relating to additives, sugar and salt content. Our starting point is that chicken is a naturally healthy ingredient, rich in protein and low in saturated fat. When flavouring chicken or producing ready-to-eat meals, our aim is to keep recipes and ingredients as clean and simple as possible.

Global food traditions

Chicken is an appreciated ingredient in meals throughout world – from Asian, African, Mexican and Indian cuisine to traditional Nordic fare. Chicken is accepted as a protein by many major religions throughout the world, which makes it a popular ingredient for the public sector and staff canteens, for example.

Convenient food

All food trends are governed by convenience, meaning for example, that consumers want it to be quick and easy to shop and cook. The growth of food-recipe delivery services, online shopping and products that are bought ready-to-eat favours chicken as a food, because it is a protein that is simple to vary and has a place in all food categories.

Ethics for transport and slaughter

Scandi Standard prioritises animal ethics during transportation. To achieve a calm environment, the chickens are collected prior to slaughter by trained staff in adapted vehicles. In countries with cold climates such as Sweden, Finland and Norway, the vehicles have climate-controlled ventilation.

We contract growers in close proximity to our production facilities in order to keep the transport routes short. Our own staff and independent veterinarians inspect the chickens upon arrival at the slaughterhouse and the wings are checked as an indicator of how well loading was handled.

All logistics are carefully planned and slaughtering always takes place on the same day as the transportation.

The carbon footprint of chicken

The carbon footprint of chicken is a tenth of that of beef and significantly lower than Norwegian salmon. That, in combination with the fact that it is an affordable and easily varied protein, contributes to the fact that the consumption of chicken is expected to continue increase worldwide.


As a food product, the footprint of chicken is ten times lower than that of beef.


The Swedish chicken industry has reduced its carbon footprint by almost one fifth in just over ten years.


g Co2e per kg product from Scandi Standard.

Swedish chicken has reduced its carbon footprint

A life-cycle analysis conducted by the government research institute Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) was presented in August 2022, showing that in slightly more than ten years, the chicken industry in Sweden reduced its carbon footprint by almost one-fifth. According to RISE, the key reasons are that the industry has optimised feed, transitioned to greener energy, and that the whole chicken is used, without generating waste.

Soy in chicken feed causes the greatest climate impact

According to the RISE report, slaughterhouse operations directly contribute to only 3 grams of carbon-dioxide emissions per kilogram of chicken, or 1.4 per cent of the product’s overall climate impact. One of the conclusions in the RISE analysis is that the soy used in chicken feed accounts for the single greatest climate impact.

Kg CO2e per product.
All the figures in the graph represent Swedish meat, except the figures for salmon (Norway) and Quorn (UK).
Source: Open list – an excerpt from the Rise climate database for food v 2.1.